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8 Tricks grow your social media visibility?

Are you a creative entrepreneur—an artist, crafter, content creator, or writer—trying to build your digital presence but finding it hard to get noticed? You’re not alone. Many creative minds have incredible talents but struggle to reach the right audience on social media. That’s where I come in, with over 15 years of experience in digital marketing. I’m here to help you unleash your full creative potential and connect your creativity with the digital world to grow your brand organically.

Imagine increasing your social media reach, boosting engagement, and driving more traffic to your website. Sounds exciting, right? Well, it’s possible when you follow a solid strategy. In this blog, we’ll discuss how you can manage your social media like a pro, improve your content, and drive more visibility. Let’s dive into the strategies that will help you grow your social media presence and reach your audience like never before.

Social media visibility for creative businesses.
How to grow social media visibility for creatives.

The power of consistency: The key to organic growth

One of the most common mistakes creative entrepreneurs make is the lack of consistency in posting content. Posting sporadically leaves gaps in visibility, meaning your audience may forget about you. Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and ensures your profile stays fresh.

How does this help your social media visibility?

Increased visibility:

Consistent posting means more opportunities for your audience to see your content.

Steady Follower Growth:

Regular posts keep you top of mind for followers and increase your chances of gaining new ones.

Brand Trust:

People trust brands that are active. If they see you posting frequently, they’ll perceive you as reliable.

Start by creating “on-the-shelf” content—content that’s prepared and ready to be published. This will help fill in the gaps when you’re too busy creating new content. A content calendar can help you organize and schedule posts in advance.

Plan for success: Use a monthly Content Calendar

For long-term success, structure is essential. A content calendar based on specific themes will help you map out the types of content you’ll post each month. Having a well-thought-out content calendar enables you to create varied, engaging content that speaks to your audience’s needs and interests.

Why you need a Content Calendar:

It keeps you organized:

A content calendar is your roadmap. It helps you plan, create, and post consistently.

Variety and engagement:

When you plan your content, you can ensure there’s variety—images, videos, stories, tips, etc. This keeps your audience interested.

Brand alignment:

A calendar helps you align all your content with your overall brand message.

Start by brainstorming themes that align with your brand. For example, if you're a painter, you can have weekly themes like "Behind the Canvas," where you show your process, or "Tip Tuesday," where you share painting techniques.

Expand your reach: Add more social channels

If you’re only focusing on one or two platforms, you’re missing out on potential followers. Your target audience is likely scattered across different social media channels, so it’s essential to have a presence where they are active. LinkedIn, Facebook, and even TikTok are platforms that creative entrepreneurs can use to boost their visibility.

Here’s how it benefits your social media visibility:

Wider reach:

Not everyone is on Instagram or LinkedIn. By branching out to Facebook, TikTok, or other channels, you increase your chances of connecting with a broader audience.

More interaction:

Different platforms bring different types of interactions. LinkedIn is great for professional networking, while TikTok can help you tap into younger audiences with short, engaging videos.

Start by testing out these platforms. See which one resonates most with your audience, and then focus on building your presence there.\

Repurpose your content: Spinning content for more engagement

You’ve likely already created tons of content, but are you making the most of it? Repurposing, or “spinning,” content allows you to use what you already have and transform it into something new. For instance, you can take a blog post and break it down into multiple social media posts or create an infographic from a longer article.

Why repurpose content to grow social media visibility?

Maximizes your efforts:

You save time by not having to create new content from scratch.

Increases visibility:

Posting variations of your content across different platforms increases the chances of being seen by new people.

Optimizes engagement:

Different channels require different content formats. By repurposing, you can adapt your content to each platform’s strengths.

Tip: Take a look at the content you’ve already created. How can you spin it? Could a long blog post be shortened into a series of tweets? Could an in-depth tutorial be broken down into smaller, shareable tips?

Make it visually appealing: Stand out with unique visuals

First impressions matter, especially on social media. Your visuals are the first thing your audience sees, so they need to be eye-catching and aligned with your brand. Currently, if your visuals are too monotonous, it’s time to spice things up. Developing a specific style for your social media—colors, fonts, and layout—can make your content instantly recognizable.

Benefits of attractive visuals:

Grabs attention:

Visually stunning content is more likely to stop someone from scrolling.

Brand recognition:

When your visuals align with your branding, people start associating certain colors and styles with your content.

Increased engagement:

The more appealing your content looks, the more likes, comments, and shares it’s likely to get.

Tip: If graphic design isn’t your strong suit, you can use tools like Canva, which are easy to use and don’t require advanced design skills. Start experimenting with different styles until you find what fits your brand.

Add variety: More bite-size content, more engagement

Variety keeps things fresh. To keep your audience engaged, consider offering a mix of content types: from short-form bite-sized tips to longer, in-depth videos or blog posts. This variety not only keeps things interesting but also caters to different preferences. Some followers may prefer quick, digestible content, while others enjoy detailed tutorials or podcasts.

Why variety matters for social media visibility:

Broader appeal:

Not everyone consumes content in the same way. By offering a variety of formats, you cater to a wider audience.

Easy to share:

Short, bite-sized content like quotes or quick tips is highly shareable, increasing the chances of going viral.

Maintains engagement:

If your content is always the same format, people might lose interest. Mixing it up keeps them coming back.

Tip: Start with static content, like visually appealing images with tips, and gradually move to more dynamic formats like videos or even podcasts once your foundation is strong.

Boost frequency: Increase your posting to stay visible

If you’re only posting once or twice a week, you’re leaving too much time for people to forget about you. Increasing your posting frequency to at least two or three times per week (or even daily) will keep you top of mind and increase your chances of being seen in crowded social media feeds.

How more posts benefit you:

More Visibility:

The more you post, the more opportunities people have to see your content.

Builds Momentum:

When you post more frequently, you create a snowball effect of engagement and visibility.

Allows for Experimentation:

Posting more often gives you room to try different content types and see what works best.

Start small, aim for two or three posts per week, then gradually increase your output as you get more comfortable.

Add a Paid Ads: Use social advertising for a bigger boost

While organic growth is essential, you can supercharge your efforts with a well-planned social advertising strategy. Once your content calendar is running smoothly and your content is being posted consistently, consider investing in paid ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Even a small budget can make a big difference.

Why Paid Advertising?

Reach new audiences:

With social ads, you can target people who haven’t yet discovered you.


You can retarget people who have already visited your site or interacted with your content, keeping them engaged.

Boost Launches:

Paid ads can be especially useful when you launch new products or services, amplifying your reach and driving conversions.

While paid advertising should come later in your strategy, it’s something to consider as you grow.

Final Thoughts: Let’s grow together!

Growing your social media visibility as a creative entrepreneur doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By focusing on consistency, planning with a content calendar, expanding to more channels, repurposing content, and increasing your posting frequency, you’ll begin to see organic growth. As your audience grows, you can then look at enhancing your efforts with eye-catching visuals, varied content, and, eventually, paid ads.

At DIGITAL VIBEZZ, we specialize in helping creative entrepreneurs like you connect your passion with digital marketing. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to scale your visibility, we’re here to help. Let’s revolutionize your access to the digital world and unlock your creative potential.

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